Ridge Athlete Wins Outside Mag's Ultimate Mountain Athlete Competition

Ridge Athlete Wins Outside Mag's Ultimate Mountain Athlete Competition

Outside Magazine's Ultimate Mountain Athlete competition went off this past spring and we are stoked to announce that Ridge athlete and all around awesome human Molly Armanino won 1st place! Go, Molly, go!  The Ultimate Mountain Athlete...
Life on the Ridge: Five Questions for Lindsey Jackson

Life on the Ridge: Five Questions for Lindsey Jackson

Longtime Mammoth Lakes local Lindsey Jackson gets after it. We're always inspired by her adventures and love hearing how our gear works for her while she's out peak bagging, multi-pitch climbing, ridge scrambling and splitboarding.
Life On The Ridge: The Avalanche Forecaster

Life On The Ridge: The Avalanche Forecaster

ESAC Center Director and Lead Forecaster Steve Mace tests the snow for weak layers.  Did you know? Avalanche risk is at its greatest 24 hours following a snowfall of 12 inches or more. Mace hits...
Life on the Ridge: Jeremy McGhee

Life on the Ridge: Jeremy McGhee

Photo: Embry Rucker Jeremy McGhee is a trail runner at heart but says he missed his calling. When Jeremy was 25 years old, a motorcycle accident left him paralyzed from his tenth thoracic vertebra (mid-abdomen) down. He...
Life on the Ridge: Five Questions for Kelly Halpin

Life on the Ridge: Five Questions for Kelly Halpin

Meet Kelly Halpin. If you haven't heard of this Jackson-based professional endurance athlete before, now's the time. In addition to being a ripping snowboarder and gracing last month's cover of Trail Runner Magazine, she's racked up quite a...
Life on the Ridge: Five Questions for Nate Greenberg

Life on the Ridge: Five Questions for Nate Greenberg

Nate Greenberg scopes out Z Couloir, Mt. Wood. Photo: Brett Lotz.  Nate Greenberg is the current president and one of the founders of the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center (ESAC), an online resource that reports snowpack and forecasts avalanche...
Life on the Ridge: Five Questions for Elise Sterck

Life on the Ridge: Five Questions for Elise Sterck

At 25, Elise Sterck has accomplished more than most people her age. After recently graduating from the University of Wyoming with two degrees - one in Geographic Information Systems and one in Environment and Natural Resources -...
Life on the Ridge: Five Questions for Alison Teal

Life on the Ridge: Five Questions for Alison Teal

Photo: Sarah Lee Whether she’s surfing off the coast of Hawaii, testing her survival skills in a Maldivian jungle, or shredding pow in the Swiss Alps, there are a few constants in Alison Teal’s life....
Life on the Ridge: Five Questions for Dylan Bruno

Life on the Ridge: Five Questions for Dylan Bruno

Dylan Bruno is everywhere. Not only is he a versatile actor known for playing a wide array of characters, his most ubiquitous role to date is that of the voice of Chevy. If you watch any TV at any time,...